The system mainly contains colligation shipping freight index, colligation fleet capacity index, shipping cost index, climate sub-index, shipping industry entrepreneur expectation index. 综合运价指数、综合运力指数、航运成本指数、航运企业景气指数、航运企业家信心指数。
ARMA forecasting model of Baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数波动规律研究与预测
Discussion on the Perfection of the Freight Traffic Statistical Index System of Railway Share-holding Enterprise 论铁路股份制企业运输统计指标体系的完善
Study on the Co-integration Relationship Between the Baltic Freight Index and Prices on Sample Times of Time Charter 波罗的海运价指数与样本航线期租的协整关系研究
Empirical Analysis on China's Coastal Bulk Cargo Freight Index and Baltic Dry Index 中国沿海运价指数与波罗的海运价指数的实证分析
Study on freight index forecasting of international shipping market 国际航运市场运价定量预测方法
At present, researches on China Container Freight Index forecasting are limited. 当前对中国出口集装箱运价指数的预测研究还比较少。
The second part is about the technological analysis of shipping freight index. 第二部分对航运运价指数进行技术分析。
The historic data of the Baltic Freight Index standing for the level of international dry-bulk shipping price takes on the feature of long-term rise, cyclical punctuation and casual fluctuation. 代表国际干散货运价整体水平的波罗的海运价指数的历史数据呈现长期走高、周期波动以及随机波动的特征。
Analyze factors influencing Oil Freight Index from qualitative view. The main factors are supply and demand. 定性的角度是分析影响油运费率指数的因素,而影响油运费率指数的主要因素则是油运市场的供给和需求。
This thesis mainly research on the creation, technological analysis, correlation analysis and database realization of freight index. 本文主要研究航运运价指数的生成、技术分析、相关性分析、预测及计算机化。
The adding of the three tendencies wholly grasps the fluctuating law of Baltic Freight Index. 三种趋势的叠加在整体上反映了波罗的海运价指数的波动规律。
The dissertation analyzes and forecasts Oil Freight Index from qualitative and quantitative view. 本文将从定性和定量的角度分析和预测油运费率指数。
Study of the Compilation and Technical analysis of Container Freight Index based on EDI 基于EDI的集装箱运价指数生成与技术分析
Shipping Market Calling Chinese Freight Index Future 航运市场呼唤中国的航运运价指数期货
The fifth part researches on the technological realization of application platform about creation and technological analysis of shipping freight index. 第五部分研究航运运价指数生成和技术分析应用平台的技术实现。
Oil Freight Index is one of the important economic indexes in oil shipping market. Because of its constantly changing and many factors influencing it, most interesting topic is how to grasp accurately Oil Freight Index in oil shipping market. 油运费率指数是油运市场的一个重要的经济指标,它的反复无常再加上影响它的因素很多,所以如何准确的把握油运费率指数则成为油运市场中最为关注的话题。
The freight index futures could reduce the risk and promote the persistent stable development of shipping market. 由于航运价格受到许多因素的影响而变化,它的变动对货主、船东与雇船者带来许多不确定的风险,通过航运运价指数期货可以降低航运业的风险,从而保障航运市场的稳定持续发展。
Research on the fluctuation rule of China Container Freight Index and forecasting of the trend of international container shipping market are very meaningful. 研究中国出口集装箱运价指数的波动规律,预测国际集装箱运输市场的趋势具有重要的意义。
The Study on BFI and Suggestions to China's Freight Index 关于波罗的海运价指数的研究与思考
Through the comparison to baltic freight index, it was pointed that the evaluation result can reflect the main trend of international dry bulk shipping market. 通过国际干散货航运市场综合评价值与波罗的海干散货综合运价指数的标准化值进行比较,发现前者可以全面地反映国际干散货航运市场的综合情况。
The fluctuation nature and forecasting model of Baltic freight index ( BFI) are researched. Firstly the power function model is proved to match the long-term fluctuation of BFI through analysis of the tendency. 以波罗的海国际干散货运价指数(BFI)为研究对象,分析其长期趋势性波动规律,得到BFI的长期波动服从幂函数模型。
A Study of China Containerized Freight Index 我国出口集装箱运价指数研究
Besides, the predictions on the transportation volume and freight index were also carried out with proposed models. 同时,本文利用模型对未来一段时间的煤炭海运需求及运价进行了预测。
Then, this paper establishes a simple model to particularly analysis demand, supply and freight index respectively of International dry bulk shipping market. 接下来,本文通过建立国际干散货航运市场的简单模型,分别对国际干散货航运市场的海运需求、运力供给和运价指数从其特征、来源、影响因素以及2011年的发展情况等方面进行分析。
As the world shipping market development and international economic and trade policy changes, the Baltic freight index futures exposed more and more defects and was eventually replaced by Forward Freight Agreement by ( FFA) in 2004.As new freight derivatives, FFA has similar properties to futures. 随着世界海运市场的发展以及国际经济贸易政策的变化,波罗的海运费指数期货暴露出了越来越多的弊端,最终在2004年被新兴的远期运费协议(FFA)所替代。
As the container transport market is affected by many factors, there is a lot of noise in the time series signal which is constituted by the historical data of the China Container Freight Index ( CCFI). 由于集装箱运输市场受到多种因素的影响,由中国出口集装箱运价指数(CCFI)的历史数据构成的时间序列信号中含有很多噪声。
In order to avoid the risk of tariff fluctuation, the Baltic Exchange developed the Baltic freight index futures in the mid 1980s in the last century. 为了规避运价波动的巨大风险,从上世纪80年代中期在波罗的海交易所便诞生了波罗的海运费指数期货。
Then, by means of comparing the linkage freight and index freight, it got the VaR-GARCH model to measure the risk. 之后,利用联动运价公式,通过实例分析,计算相应联动运费,并将其与指数运费对比,构建VaR-GARCH模型进行风险测度。
This article will be widely used to study time-varying sequence features GARCH model is applied to the international tanker transport market analysis of dry bulk freight index fluctuation of the cause of the fluctuations, and the model for simple evaluation and analysis. 本文将广泛应用于研究时变序列特征的GARCH模型应用于国际干散货运输市场,分析干散货运价指数的波动规律以及产生上述波动的原因,并对得到的模型进行简单的评价分析。